Leaflet Distribution Lincoln

Leaflet Network

The LN postcode area, also known as the Lincoln postcode area, covers central Lincolnshire, including Lincoln, Alford, Horncastle, Louth, Mablethorpe, Market Rasen and Woodhall Spa.

Approximate total number of households in area: 114444

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    LN1 12796
    LN1 24430
    LN1 34323
    LN10 5245
    LN10 62040
    LN11 03861
    LN11 71975
    LN11 83172
    LN11 92484
    LN12 12129
    LN12 23888
    LN13 01152
    LN13 92042
    LN2 1772
    LN2 24781
    LN2 32465
    LN2 44529
    LN2 53023
    LN3 42143
    LN3 51180
    LN4 14121
    LN4 23118
    LN4 32988
    LN4 43638
    LN5 01938
    LN5 72372
    LN5 84285
    LN5 94264
    LN6 05887
    LN6 31782
    LN6 4167
    LN6 51246
    LN6 74906
    LN6 84028
    LN6 93621
    LN7 62362
    LN8 2659
    LN8 33335
    LN8 51141
    LN8 61195
    LN9 51827
    LN9 62134

    Postal Area LN