Leaflet Distribution Milton Keynes

Leaflet Network

The MK postcode area, also known as the Milton Keynes postcode area, covers north Buckinghamshire (including Milton Keynes, Buckingham, Newport Pagnell and Olney), west and north Bedfordshire (including Bedford) and very small parts of Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire.

Approximate total number of households in area: 184462

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    MK1 1394
    MK10 05
    MK10 91720
    MK11 12615
    MK11 2584
    MK11 351
    MK12 52528
    MK12 61909
    MK13 02014
    MK13 72793
    MK13 81182
    MK13 91187
    MK14 52627
    MK14 62147
    MK14 72159
    MK15 0339
    MK15 8773
    MK15 91438
    MK16 02206
    MK16 83031
    MK16 91823
    MK17 02354
    MK17 82630
    MK17 91793
    MK18 13556
    MK18 21999
    MK18 32583
    MK18 41321
    MK18 5664
    MK18 619
    MK18 71374
    MK19 61968
    MK19 71757
    MK2 22396
    MK2 32996
    MK3 52230
    MK3 62139
    MK3 73946
    MK4 12141
    MK4 21895
    MK4 3975
    MK4 4479
    MK40 11360
    MK40 23306
    MK40 33592
    MK40 43667
    MK41 03854
    MK41 61740
    MK41 74786
    MK41 83278
    MK41 93553
    MK42 04711
    MK42 73250
    MK42 84474
    MK42 94360
    MK43 04178
    MK43 72870
    MK43 82813
    MK43 92509
    MK44 12021
    MK44 21462
    MK44 32705
    MK45 14898
    MK45 24150
    MK45 32504
    MK45 43581
    MK45 51747
    MK46 41331
    MK46 52100
    MK5 61424
    MK5 72076
    MK5 81082
    MK6 10
    MK6 23564
    MK6 32248
    MK6 41886
    MK6 51956
    MK7 61007
    MK7 72722
    MK7 81743
    MK8 01067
    MK8 81741
    MK8 91181
    MK9 140
    MK9 2196
    MK9 3786
    MK9 4203

    Postal Area MK