Leaflet Distribution Oxford

Leaflet Network

The OX postcode area, also known as the Oxford postcode area, covers most of Oxfordshire (including Oxford, Banbury, Abingdon, Bicester, Witney, Didcot, Carterton, Kidlington, Thame, Wantage, Wallingford, Chipping Norton, Chinnor, Woodstock, Watlington, Bampton and Burford), plus very small parts of Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Gloucestershire and Warwickshire.

Approximate total number of households in area: 232423

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    OX1 11044
    OX1 2732
    OX1 3242
    OX1 42201
    OX1 52433
    OX10 02250
    OX10 62321
    OX10 72087
    OX10 81328
    OX10 92295
    OX11 02211
    OX11 75070
    OX11 83796
    OX11 92492
    OX12 02716
    OX12 72297
    OX12 81980
    OX12 93184
    OX13 51988
    OX13 63152
    OX14 14332
    OX14 23157
    OX14 33290
    OX14 43024
    OX14 54175
    OX15 01104
    OX15 42569
    OX15 52068
    OX15 61340
    OX16 04337
    OX16 13529
    OX16 2905
    OX16 31862
    OX16 41138
    OX16 51150
    OX16 94874
    OX17 11870
    OX17 22535
    OX17 32435
    OX18 11616
    OX18 22288
    OX18 33820
    OX18 41508
    OX2 01808
    OX2 63644
    OX2 73517
    OX2 82595
    OX2 93772
    OX20 12178
    OX25 1528
    OX25 2863
    OX25 3219
    OX25 4707
    OX25 5754
    OX25 6368
    OX26 1303
    OX26 23556
    OX26 32326
    OX26 42328
    OX26 5467
    OX26 63329
    OX27 0473
    OX27 7780
    OX27 81102
    OX27 9218
    OX28 11765
    OX28 2306
    OX28 31443
    OX28 4930
    OX28 53429
    OX28 61486
    OX29 0647
    OX29 41869
    OX29 5364
    OX29 6839
    OX29 71339
    OX29 82728
    OX29 9872
    OX3 03531
    OX3 73794
    OX3 84706
    OX3 93385
    OX33 13065
    OX39 42672
    OX4 14280
    OX4 23246
    OX4 34699
    OX4 45015
    OX4 63127
    OX4 72116
    OX44 72040
    OX44 91296
    OX49 51767
    OX5 14703
    OX5 23846
    OX5 31162
    OX7 32349
    OX7 4706
    OX7 53341
    OX7 62739
    OX7 7691
    OX9 21414
    OX9 33645
    OX9 7491

    Postal Area OX