Leaflet Distribution Harrogate

Leaflet Network

The HG postcode area, also known as the Harrogate postcode area, covers Harrogate, Ripon and Knaresborough in North Yorkshire.

Approximate total number of households in area: 56596

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    HG1 1544
    HG1 23183
    HG1 33150
    HG1 45339
    HG1 52606
    HG2 03684
    HG2 74673
    HG2 83385
    HG2 92229
    HG3 12039
    HG3 24529
    HG3 31650
    HG3 4602
    HG3 51396
    HG4 13705
    HG4 23006
    HG4 31437
    HG4 41097
    HG4 5974
    HG5 03569
    HG5 82114
    HG5 91685

    Postal Area HG