Leaflet Distribution Rochester

Leaflet Network

The ME postcode area, also known as the Rochester postcode area, covers north central Kent, including the Medway unitary authority and the borough of Swale, plus parts of the boroughs of Maidstone, Tonbridge and Malling, and Gravesham.

Approximate total number of households in area: 238407

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    ME1 12376
    ME1 25949
    ME1 34081
    ME10 15862
    ME10 25303
    ME10 33040
    ME10 43459
    ME10 5301
    ME11 51549
    ME12 13080
    ME12 24968
    ME12 34495
    ME12 42120
    ME13 01255
    ME13 73989
    ME13 84221
    ME13 92097
    ME14 11097
    ME14 24163
    ME14 3896
    ME14 42340
    ME14 54191
    ME15 01674
    ME15 63691
    ME15 74573
    ME15 84902
    ME15 94249
    ME16 04870
    ME16 84323
    ME16 92403
    ME17 11959
    ME17 21627
    ME17 32015
    ME17 42778
    ME18 51969
    ME18 6928
    ME19 41291
    ME19 52290
    ME19 63039
    ME2 12268
    ME2 25634
    ME2 34815
    ME2 43081
    ME20 65050
    ME20 72557
    ME3 0645
    ME3 72698
    ME3 82836
    ME3 94075
    ME4 3372
    ME4 41407
    ME4 55392
    ME4 63754
    ME5 04957
    ME5 75244
    ME5 86242
    ME5 95044
    ME6 53909
    ME7 14525
    ME7 24572
    ME7 33392
    ME7 43502
    ME7 53724
    ME8 04130
    ME8 64566
    ME8 73501
    ME8 84216
    ME8 95351
    ME9 01007
    ME9 72738
    ME9 81757
    ME9 92033

    Postal Area ME