Leaflet Distribution Walsall

Leaflet Network

The WS postcode area, also known as the Walsall postcode area, covers the northern part of the West Midlands (including Walsall and Wednesbury) and much of south-east Staffordshire (including Lichfield, Cannock, Burntwood and Rugeley).

Approximate total number of households in area: 147898

Get in touch with the team directly to arrange the leaflet distribution with them, or alternatively, get in touch with the leaflet network team to arrange this distribution for you. To come through the leaflet network there may be an added fee, but we will make sure to get every angle covered for you. For general enquiries please use the contact page.


    Postcode SectorHouseholds
    WS1 1275
    WS1 23025
    WS1 33086
    WS1 43127
    WS10 05545
    WS10 72301
    WS10 84725
    WS10 95097
    WS11 13906
    WS12 46140
    WS13 63104
    WS13 74703
    WS13 81842
    WS14 01549
    WS14 94985
    WS15 13989
    WS15 25582
    WS15 31595
    WS15 42940
    WS2 03516
    WS2 73243
    WS2 83533
    WS2 94445
    WS3 15498
    WS3 26060
    WS3 35432
    WS3 43723
    WS3 5840
    WS4 15158
    WS4 22136
    WS5 33675
    WS5 44515
    WS6 63851
    WS6 73375
    WS7 01674
    WS7 92076
    WS8 62705
    WS8 73834
    WS9 03702
    WS9 83960
    WS9 93431

    Postal Area WS